Quick Start
Quick Start
Super Blur Battlerz is Horse Racing, but with Blur Farmers. We create races between groups of Blur Farmers, and whoever scores the most Blur points during the race wins.
The project was a Blast Big Bang contestant and won a Honorable Mention.
The game is split into two phases: Staking and Racing.
Staking Stage
During the staking stage, the Racetrack screen will show the upcoming racers and their recent points performance. You can see more detail about each racer by clicking the “Stats” button, to help you determine who is most likely to win the race.
Racing Stage
During the racing stage, the Blur farmers’ performance will be updated live on the Racetrack page. Whoever gains the most Blur points during the race wins!
If you chose the right Blur farmer, you’ll earn a proportionate split of the race pool (less protocol fees and a prize for the winning racer). ALL participants will earn Blast rewards, even if they didn’t choose the winning racer.
The platform takes 1% fees. The Blur Farmer who wins the race is also eligible for a 2% reward fee. If everyone has only staked on the winner or there's not enough staked on other racers to cover the combined fees (i.e. very one-sided staking), the platform and the winning Blur Farmer will NOT take any fees from the race's staking pool. Meaning, if you choose the correct racer, you can't receive less than what you've staked (excluding gas).
If a Blur Farmer wins a race, but nobody has staked on them, they have a chance to share the entire race pool 50/50 with us. The only requirement is that they have staked on the platform.
Last updated